Tuesday, July 9, 2013

In summer school, we don't learn about the teacher's lessons.

My summer school teacher is the definition of routine.  He seems like a very predictable guy, so much that it makes observing him rather interesting.  Every morning he shows up with a large coffee from either 7-11 or McDonalds.  He also has a parfait, a bottle of water, and a coke zero.  He always buys and drinks another coke in the afternoon.  He always wears a Lacoste golf shirt that is a solid color, along with a pair of shorts and sandals.
Also, he has a tattoo with a date on it that might be his birthday.  It interests me but I don't want to ask him.  It would be a little awkward.  
After realizing how much I learned about him rather than learning what he's teaching, I came to the conclusion that I need to get a life. 

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