Wednesday, December 25, 2013


Yay for more unbearable pessimism from me! (If you don't like pessimism, expression of disappointment, hate Christmas haters, or just hate hearing people whine and complain, don't keep readingSeriously, stahp.)
So today is the day that we've all been waiting for.  Presents, smiles, and fattening yourself up so you have less motivation to get in shape after New Years.  Honestly, I don't feel really excited about it.  It's here; just another day.  Like any other. This morning I woke up, and I didn't do anything much different. 
Most kids wake up like they just consumed one of those giant big gulps from 7-11. 
I just woke up, checked what time it was, and tried to go back to sleep.  Like any other lazy weekend day.  Or day off for that matter. 
I obviously am/was not excited for Christmas.  However, I still looked forward to it.  I finally got free time to relax and spend it with my family.  It started out pretty good.  We woke up, and opened presents.  We all appreciated what we each got, and thanked our mother for getting us great gifts that not only we wanted, but needed as well.  After that, we had a great brunch, and...

Started working.  Now, I understand it's a good move.  Start now, get lots done so you can enjoy yourself in the last parts of the break. So I actually got quite a bit done. 
Although, I must say I was rather disappointed with my family's decision of what  to do for the afternoon besides work.  Of all thing to do after a decent amount of work was done... It had to be movie.  I don't think there's anything wrong with watching movies.  Its just that in movies you do not interact with each other.  You sit and watch a screen.  Unless you're talking with who you're watching with, you aren't actually interacting with them. 
I recently decided that I should value my family more.  I really took them for granted.  Someone asked me to think of the most depressing thought for Christmas, and I answered with the terrible Christmas' that kids with newly divorced parents will have.  I then realised how much I actually undervalued my family and decided that I should treasure this year's Christmas moments with them.  But I was disappointed when I didn't get to for very long. 
If I count up how much time my family spent together interacting on Christmas, it comes to about 2 hours.  3 and a half if you include the meals.  I find that just... Sad.  I was looking forward to Christmas to give the people I live with my smile and share joy.  But I didn't get very long to do it.  I'm not trying to be a complaining bratty kid who didn't get what he wanted for Christmas.  I just feel really... Disappointed. 

Sunday, December 22, 2013

Minecraft>human interaction

There are guests at my house right now.  Two families, both with younger kids (3-8).  I was fully prepared to engage and play with them.  All my Sunday school and babysitting training was to be put to good use today (for once).  But when they arrived... They sat down on the couch, pulled out iPads and iPhones, and started building their worlds and then blowing it up in Minecraft.  First of all, just blowing things up with TNT in Minecraft gets boring pretty quick, I don't see how they do it for so long. 
More importantly, what happened to interacting with people?  Like the clumsy teenage host that was ready to tolerate children for a day? 
Before they arrived I was texting a friend, and was prepared to tell her that I needed to stop texting for a bit to entertain guests.  But after seeing my unwanted usefulness, I decided not to stop the conversation.  Besides, I like talking with her (same girl that I talked about in my post "FINISH YOUR WORK!").
All the adults were not interested in conversation with me, and when I sat down with them, the conversation turned into small talk.  They were obviously not willing to talk with me, even if I made the effort to be entertaining.  They came to see my parents, the people who invited them. 
So here I am in my room typing this out while the adults chat and the children play... By themselves. And only themselves.   
In my defense, I tried.  I asked two of them, "want to go upstairs to the playroom?  We have lots of toys and games we could play".  My responses were "no thanks" and "wait, I need to finish the TNT tower". 
In my opinion, the kids were prepared for today in two possible ways:
-Give them electronics to keep them quiet.
-Train them to use electronics so they keep quiet on their own. 
Probably both. 
I'm just thinking, what's the point in bringing your kids with you just to have  them look at and tap a screen all day? 
Another thing that just makes me mad...

Thursday, December 19, 2013

Sorry if I don't use your name.

So recently my parents have clamped down and pressured me to say their titles when I talk to them.  This is normal; understandable for most parents.  Its basic respect for a child to say the name of the person they are addressing.  However, there are some points where it's not necessarily... Necessary. 
You should address the person:
You see a friend at the mall, but they don't see you.  So you call out to them.  Using their nameNot just "hey you!".  At least that's what's expected.  Some people insult them to get attention, or some other creative way that I'm not ready to think of right now...
You don't have to address the person:
Teacher: did you finish your homework?
You: yes/no... (Depending what type of student you are)
It was not absolutely necessary to say "Yes, Mrs. Johnson, I finished.  The last episode of Bleach.  Finally." You can just say yes or no.  But my parents think that should an situation such as greetings occur, I must address them. It has become a rule in the house:
"Hi Austin."
...Well that's definitely a hyperbole but you get the point. 
Actually, if I don't use your name in unnecessary name addressing situations, I think its a sign of familiarity.  It means I'm comfortable with you and that I don't need to be so formal and have my guard up.  Guarding what, I'm not entirely sure. Still have to figure that out. 
I address people I'm not so familiar with, but still know their names.  Like... Classmates.  A couple days back before class: "Morning Janelle." If it was any of my friends, I would have simply grogged out a "morning" or "hi", because I'm usually not awake yet.  Sometimes, if I'm really not ready for human daytime function yet, I don't even say anything. 
So to my parents, please don't be offended if I don't say your name when not necessary.  I'm not trying to insult or disrespect you.
Then there's a last group of people who I actually address with their name, when unnecessary.  However, its different than the acquaintances mentioned above.  These people are special, precious.  They mean a lot to me.  I may not use this all the time with them, but when I use it, I'm a little conscious of who I say it to. 

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

My brain sometimes likes to exclude important people.

So I was chatting with a good friend when she asked a question: "have I ever been in any of your dreams?"
I immediately was going to say no.  Despite being important to me, she has never shown up in any of the dream I can remember.  As I thought about it more, other people I considered important didn't show up in my dreams either.  All the people I thought were crucial to me have never (if not rarely) shown up in my dreams.  I'll be honest, the majority of my friends have shown up in my dreams, because most of them are not confidants.  My subconscious puts them a little lower on the importance scale.  My parents are an exception, maybe its because they are my parents.  However, they have rarely been in my dreams.  So this person I was talking with who went from good friend to super important person to me in a couple months has never shown up I'm my dreams before.  I don't think time gave space for my head to make one (probably could have happened, just exaggerating). 
I also noticed that the closer the friend that's not a confidant, the stranger the dream.  All the dreams with majority of my friends have been really weird.  One time my friend took my clothes somehow while I was talking to a man and his daughter who was my age (quite pretty to be frank, so it was pretty embarrassing when my clothes suddenly disappeared).  Found out my stolen clothes had been put in the public toilet...
On time there was a lethal paintball war between humans and an alien alliance of races called the Covenant... And the most important thing I had to do was deliver cake to a customer's house.  After avoiding dying a couple times, I arrived at the house to find my friends sitting around the living room, and the cake eaten.  Turns out their mouths teleported into the box and ate while I was making the delivery...
Oh dear my head needs fixing. 

Saturday, December 14, 2013


Okay so I came across another anger inducing item on the internet today (who doesn't?).

The question of the day on the website today (actually a couple days ago because this draft is old) was "How do you make a woman happy?".  I looked through people's answers, and this is one I found...

buy her starbucks   (okay)
compliment her      (makes sense)
touch her butt         (...what?)

There's more but after I read the third one I was pretty pissed.  If I had a girlfriend (in which I currently don't) I would not intrude her personal space like that, even if she was okay with it.  If she was okay with it, she probably wouldn't be my girlfriend anyways.
What really got me was the last sentence:

do this and i promise you youll get her

First of all, the writer could have learned to edit his writing... Not that I have the right to say so myself.
But seriously, why do people like this type of stuff?  Personally I think people on the internet need to get a filter for their heads.  I don't care if some guys or girls work this way, I still think it's not right.  You can't promise everyone who reads that post that the girl you want will be happy if you follow those guidelines!   Everyone is unique, and has their own preferences.  One person's standards of what makes his ideal girl happy is not going to please all the other girls out there.

ugh it just makes me so mad.

Friday, December 6, 2013


So there is actually a post in my drafts that I have yet to publish.  However, I am not going to post it.  Why? 
One of my friends (yes, I surprisingly have those) had an essay due.  A WEEK AGO. 
So, since she enjoys reading my posts here, I said that I wouldn't post it (or anything else for that matter) until she was done.  She then proceeded to cry over the internet...
So to my dear friend who has unfinished business... FINISH YOUR WORK!!! :P

Friday, November 29, 2013

This disgusts me.

I was going through my Facebook newsfeed when I saw something that caught my eye.  Take a look:

I don't have much to say besides that our world is turning into it's own monster.  Scratch that, our world is already there.  For those of us fortunate enough to live in the riches countries of the world, this is completely unacceptable behaviour.  We have plenty, but apparently that only drives us to crave more, and rush into Walmarts like wild animals.

Really, I can't put into words how mad I am at the ungrateful humans of the first world countries right now.

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Feel free to laugh while I argue with myself.

The while back my Social Studies teacher said something interesting. We had a big assignment coming up, and it was supposed to be quite difficult.  He went through the assignment and gave a few pointers as to what to do just as any other teacher would.  Then he said, "you need to tie all three sources together with an overarching theme.  There is something special you are supposed to point out, but I'm not going to tell you.  You have to figure that out by yourself". 
Okay there are two ways this argument goes. 
It may be a good thing that he makes it difficult to tell what the trick to the assignment is.  It makes us learn our mistakes and how to avoid them later.  Toughens our minds, and makes us think critically.  Preparing us for the upcoming courses in post secondary, or wherever else we may need critical thinking skills. 
On the flip side, this a 30 level course, the course level that matters the most in high school.  Our mark in this course will determine how easy it will be to get into university.  How can you leave us to suffer on such an important assignment?  For such an important course, it is too late to make us struggle and learn the answer that way.  That method of learning for either formative or summative assignments should have been used in the previous two grades of high school.  You can't just make a big risk factor and potentially have most of the class fail when it matters! 
Then again, would that not be survival of the fittest?  Wouldn't society improve because of the smartest minds coming out on top? 
But if the smartest minds that come out of the system are small in number, then what system is there to lead or improve? Wouldn't it be better if a larger number if people came out as the "smarter minds"?  Then everyone can push each other more in every aspect of life. 
Auurrgh I need to stop.  I'm just rambling now haha. 
You know you need to go to bed when you start writing like a schizophrenic...

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Parent teacher interviews suck.

Another really pessimistic rant about what I don't like about my parents, read if you so fancy on my probably ignorant views on my parents.  Typing on an iPad so sorry if the grammar sucks.

So parent teacher interviews happened recently.  I had hoped that this year would go smooth considering that I've picked up my marks a little.  But I was kinda wrong.

Every year after PTI my parents tell me what my teachers said about me, what I needed to fix, and that they have to nag me too much and so on.  I get it, since I have terrible academic work ethics (despite being Asian lol).  I'm really lazy.  And that is exactly what my biology teacher said as the first thing to my parents this year.  That didn't really bug me though since I already knew that since like grade 2.  What I didn't like was that at one point of my parent's lecture was that they said "we need you to get this proper work ethic in your head".  I completely disagree.  I need myself to get a good work ethic.  My parents don't need me to get it, they gain the satisfaction and pride of their successful son if I get it.  They can go without that.  Me on the other hand, if I want to get anywhere that I want to be in life, I have to work hard for it.  So it bugged me that my parents said that I need to "get it right for them".  I know that by not doing as well as they want me to it compels them to nag me to do better, but that is completely their decision.  If they are looking to "end the suffering of playing bad guy", then they could simply stop. But then comes the whole factor of "we can't do that because we love you too much for that."  Unfortunately, I am rather stupid in that dialect of the love language.  Sorry.  

Ugh I'm relly tired right now.  I just re-read what I have written so far and it sounds like crap... Oh well.  I'm too tired to care and edit it to my satisfaction.  

From talking about marks, we transitioned into universities.  Pretty much, they restated the obvious: if I want to go to the level I want to be, I need to move out of town to a better program.  All the programs where I live are not mediocre, but not great either.  Let's say not outstanding.  That's a better way of putting it.  I haven't applied anywhere yet, because I don't know enough about the university that I'm looking at going to.  I get that I need an application in ASAP.  But the factor that practically made me want to vent my anger is that my mother talked about another student my age that she knew who had applied to the place she wants to go alread.  She is completely a high achiever, with the marks of typical valedictorians.  I think it's okay for my mother to mention someone else as an example.  But talking about how great they are and why they are great for  a while is a bit much.  Too much.  It's like taunting me and saying, "why can't you be like this person?" I don't like being compared to other people like that, against people in which there seems to be no possible way I can reach the attitude and aptitude displayed, even admired by others. 
 I think this is where the line between inspiration and defeating self-esteem come in.  Inspiration and looking up to people comes from "I want to be like them". A deflation of self-esteem and morales would be "why can't you be like so-and-so?"  The latter is a little bit of what I experienced in the lecture metioned above.  A little deflating.  Actually very deflating.  Normally, I'd get pretty upset at this and fight back, causing a really long argument, but that night I was too tired to care.   

Sunday, October 20, 2013

ugggh scary stuff.

So you know those weird internet posts that would absolutely freak you out? (creepy pastas, abnormal and possibly supernatural activity, screamers etc.)  Well here is one that absolutely scared the living daylights out of me.  I watched it with headphones in the dark at 2 a.m. with no sleep for the past 20 hours... let's just say I didn't sleep for another 20.

Oh yeah, there's a health warning.  You should read it.

So on a less entertaining but still related note, I had a really weird phobia when I was younger.  Not sure what the name for it is though.  I used to wonder if I'm mentally retarded without not knowing it.  Like what is people just but up with me, and thought I was super annoying, and that I acted like a 5 year old? Was that why people didn't really like me?

Haha I thought some weird things as a kid.

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Why being important is nice but sometimes sucks

Just from reading the title, I sound really arrogant.  And the rest of the post is going to also sound like I'm really arrogant.  Just to let you know before you read further, I'm not trying to be a stuck up, world-revolves-around-me type of person.  If I call myself important, it's because other people have told me so, and I know my role among the student body of my school.

So if you don't know, I'm a musician.  Music is not only something I love creating as art and recreation, it's my passion, and my language.  So being a music geek, it's only natural that I spend (literally) most of my time at school in the band room.  Seriously, if you add up how many hours I am in the band room compared to how many hours in any other classroom collectively, I spend more time in the band room.
Because I'm there so much, the teacher I see the most obviously would be the band teacher.  Just yesterday, he asked me a question that made me think quite a bit about my role in the school.  He asked, "Who are you going to teach all the stuff you learned in jazz?"  To understand his question, a little background info is needed.

There are currently no jazz pianists in Sr. High.  I am the only one.  Next year I graduate, which means that someone (currently) between grades nine and eleven really needs to step up their learning in that area.  And of course the best way is to have the person who does it best in the school teach them... and that would be me.
I would be more than happy to teach someone how to play jazz piano, but the problem comes in with my crazy and evil schedule.  Even though I have a lot of spares during the day, it's usually taken by either practice or homework.  Or sleep, because I don't get enough of it during the night.  If I could fit another student in jazz piano, I think it would be a lot of fun, since jazz is right up my alley.
That wasn't the only problem though.  After the question was asked, me and my teacher spent about ten minutes discussing who would be a good candidate to, in simplest terms, (not trying to brag here) be my successor.  We both definitely agreed that people are not simply replaceable. Each new band every year develops a new style and approach to music, even if it is very subtle.  However, if we don't find someone to learn the basics of a vital role quickly, then the whole band suffers.

Then I realized, that a lot of people are going to miss me, and I'm going to terribly miss everyone in the program as well.  They say that the people you should know the best are the people in your grade (since you're with them for 13 years), but the people I consider my family at school are people in the band programs.  Especially the Jr. Highs, it's fun to help them learn and watch them grow as musicians, and I find a lot of joy in doing that.  Jeez, it sounds like I have kids or something...
My teacher's question made me think of all the people I would simply see a lot less next year.  The bassoon player in grade 7 that would always asked if I lived in the band room (I kind of do), the twins that I know that play way more instruments than me, the whole grade 9 band that I loved working with last year, all the people who complimented me that one time I directed the band, and many more people who rely on me for help.  I'm going to really miss everyone.  And from what I've been told, they're going to miss me too.

...aaaaand I'm crying.  Great.

So in a way, I don't want to graduate.  Because I don't want to leave this environment that I love being in so much, and helping other people in whatever they need for the sake of their smile and "thank you".

I think I'm going to visit a lot next year.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

The biggest time waster

This.  Click the cookie once, and forever spend your days clicking cookies.

Monday, August 26, 2013

Bored bored bored

So guess what happens when you're on the highway, and the tire just decides to go flat?  You get stuck in the rain, waiting for a tow truck. 
I got really bored of waiting, so I thought of playing the game that I posted about earlier when I played with my younger sister.  Each person takes turns saying I've word and this is what we came up with...
Once upon a castle there is nothing but food and ponies.  Unfortunately, the food ran away with the ponies, who had EVERYTHING.  Unicorns fly um, upside up, into the castle, destroying the interplanetary moon.  Then suddenly the grumpy receptionist at summerwood farted, going from toilet to a black hole.  Then, earth's moon spilt like a banana.  Teddy "the destroyer" Roosevelt brought laser chainsaws to life.  He sawed Santa Claus into a blood sausage.  Mrs. Claus hated her dress, so she died.  The ghost, Tommy, revived haggisland surreptitiously to spin happily like little girls.  The little girls then decided to drink liquor um until DEATH! (Who knew little girls could achieve a BAC of .40?)  The Nessie emblem was obsolete.  Braveheart was awakened through enlightenment of Donegal beer, which happened to be mixed, scrambled, and grammatically incorrect.  Perturbingly, Braveheart decided not to eat for 40 centuries to diet on oysters.  Since Zeus slept for 120 oyster lives, The Walrus kookookujubed.  Athena ate haggis, transporting cabbages into mars bars.  Children promote antisocial activity during lunch.  Cabbage is gross.  Cauliflower grew inside the ears of cabbages; nevertheless, children skipped breakfast to hop from hypoglycemia and fainted unexpectedly.  Burritos give gas to motorcoaches as do diesel give power to stars.   Fires dance wantonly, simulating trials for George Washington who also kookookujubed.  Lucanthorpes have Honey Paw seized under pressure inside the pantry despite Braveheart dieting furiously.  Mother Theresa despised dieting, therefore Rapunzel cooked her Rapunzels.  Then Mother Goose said, "SHINDEIRU!!!" and Rapunzel shrieked like will-o'-wisps.  Archery was invented later that day, when Braveheart committed himself to permanent dieting.  My final effort in ending this ends.

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Austin posted at least three times in a week!? What is this!?

So I'm going for  a trip around Europe for the next three weeks, which explains my more frequent than usual posting. So, enjoy my other posts, and I will post again in a few weeks...

Yay for the weirdest stories ever.

This was written with 2 hours of sleep in 30 hours.  My sister and I took turns writing out sentences.   Read with caution.
I once had an uncle, we called him uncle Sam.  Uncle Sam was a strange man... He really green eggs and ham!  He liked to tell us that when the sun hits your eyes, like a big pizza pie - THAT'S AMOR ÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉ!  (Lolwut). Then batman came along and ate the big pizza pie.  Wait a sec, he ate the sun?  Apparently. 
OHISAMA WA UTAUYO!  OHISAMA A WA MITEIRU!  ALWAAAAAAYS. Just like that duck that is somewhere, somehow ALWAYS watching you. 
Hey remember grade school?  What's the i before e rule? Um... i before e... Always. Mushrooms.
Once upon a coffee, Garfield decided nothing.  Because mustache.  Your argument is invalid.  Its pre-boarding guys! Cya!

Monday, August 5, 2013

Anime powers that would be really cool to have

So since I'm an anime freak and feeling random I am making a list of anime powers that I personally like and think would be awesome to have.  It contains some spoilers, so I bolded the title of the anime if you want to watch it, or are in the process of watching it. 
So here's my list, from preference of least to most.
Death Note
The death note - A notebook in which whoever's face is imagined while being written down will die of heart attack unless specified otherwise.  Really, I wouldn't want to use a death note but it's good blackmail material for the people who know it's power...
Shinigami eyes - you can see the date of when other people die with the exception of other death note users.  This ability comes at the cost of half your lifespan.
Light Yagami's intelligence - Actually this item should be down by I.Q. 200.  Light's reasoning skills are beyond fantastic... Imagine being able to outsmart anyone but a little kid who plays with toys all day?
Byakugan - Simply put, it's x-ray vision.  Would be helpful in the dark, spying on people, or playing hide and seek...
I.Q. 200 - It would be nice yo be super smart.
Chidori - Lightning comes out of your hand.  Need I say more?
Shadow Clone Jutsu - Ever wish you needed copies of yourself?  Yeah.
Sharingan - Optical power that gives the ability to analyze and copy anything after seeing it just once (such as a dance, drawing, or signature). Also can predict human physical movement (making sports and fighting easy) or copy them with barely any lag in copied actions. 
Zero no Tsukaima (Familiar of Zero)
Gandalfr - The ability to be able to use any practical weapon at the level of an expert just by touching it or picking it up.  This means guns, swords, other melee weapons, and big things too like warships or fighter jets. 
Attack on Titan
Maneuver Gear - Steam powered (streampunk item)  harness system that let's you literally swing from building to building like spiderman.  Also has 8 blades.
Sword Art Online
There's no ability from this anime that I particularly like.  I just thought it would be pretty freaking cool to live in the SAO world.  Who doesn't want a virtual reality massive multiplayer online role playing game with swords, accelerated combat, and high level insta-cooking?
Code Geass
Rolo's Geass - Rolo's optical power is the ability to freeze his target's perception of time, making them freeze in the spot for a short period of time.  The range and duration is typically around 6 meters and 10 seconds, but can be expanded and extended if wanted.  Using this Geass extensively with no rest could turn out fatal for the user, though.  I'd be unbeatable at hide and seek with this >:D
LeLouch's Geass - Optical power in which when commanding the target with eye contact, the target will comply with no questions asked.  It can only be used once per person though.  It also reflects off mirrors and works on the user, too. 
Fullbringer powers - In Bleach, all things, all matter has at least a tiny bit of soul in it.  Fullbringers can manipulate that soul to their advantage.  For example, they can drink water by making the water flow through the air into their mouth.  They can run faster by using the soul in the pavement to propel themselves forward.  They can even walk on air.  A fillbringer also has the ability to alter the shape of an item that is usually on them at all times (necklace turns into a sword).  This is called fullbring.  And the fullbring I find the coolest is the next item...
The Book of Time - This fullbring is turning a book into a sword.  Whatever this sword cuts, you can insert yourself into the object's past just by thinking it.  So if I went up to my worst enemy and cut them with the book of time, then I can make it so we started as childhood friends.  Then I would have one less enemy.  When someone is cut by the book of time, the person feels the pain, but sustains no injuries or bruises.  They immediately pass out after being cut.   The book of time also works on inanimate objects.  Let's say I'm fighting someone.  If I cut the ground, then I can insert traps that I "set up in the past".  Now my opponent would be surprised to find the area was normal one moment, and then filled with traps the next moment.  One thing to be noted is that the book of time does not alter events altogether.  It simply inserts the user's presence or influence into the past.  It can be used as a brainwashing device.  Also, it does not let the user actually travel in time.  Again, it only inserts influence and presence.
Medaka Box
In the world of Medaka Box, there are three types of people: normal, special, and abnormal.  The abnormals are not prodigies or geniuses.  They are humans in which nature responds to in positive manner (rolling six dice and all six landing on a one, and consistently doing this). Abnormals have abilities called "abnormalities" (go figure). 
Autopilot - Reflex times are next to nothing. 
Analyze - Abnormality that grants super analyzing powers that can be applied.  Whoever has this abnormality is considered the greatest trainer in the world.
The end - The abnormality of abnormalities.  This ability let's the user copy and master any abnormality after seeing it used in combat. 
Problem Children are Coming from a Different World, aren't they?
The power of authority - Whatever you say, goes.  Not just for people, but inanimate objects too.  If you tell someone to shut up, they will.  If you ask for the truth, you will have it.  You can turn on light switches by asking the light bulb to turn on.  If you want your lawn to stop growing because you're too lazy to cut it every week, you can make it happen.

Saturday, August 3, 2013

Story time with Austin, oh boy!

For all you Pokemon fans out there. I saw where the admin wanted a story from the fans.  Unlike all the other perverts who was typing out crap, I decided to actually write an impromptu story on my phone (that is also crap).  So here it is, enjoy it or not...

Once upon a time there was a little kid from the Unova region who loved Pokemon.  His family had a long history of Pokemon breeding, but he wanted to train Pokemon and challenge the Champion like many other boys at his age.  When he turned ten, his mother allowed him to have a Lillipup, but the father disagreed.  He said that the boy was too young and needed to wait a little longer so he would be mature enough.  The parents argues day after day on what was best for their son, and it frightened him.  One day, the Lillipup picked up something in the park and presented it proudly to the boy.  It was a ticket to the Johto region! The boy couldn't resist taking the chance, so that night he packed his things and headed for the pier.

When he arrived, he met many trainers who gave him experience, advice, and good knowledge that he could have never found on the Pokemon ranch.  He had caught two other Pokemon, and had defeated the first and second gyms with great difficulty and perseverance.  Now a couple months since he had arrived in the new land, he decided to challenge the third gym.  When he arrived in the city, he say a group of discouraged looking trainers gathered near the PokeCenter.  "What's going on?" he asked.  They told him that the gym had recently been easy to defeat because the gym leader was away and had a temporary replacement.  But now that the gym leader had returned, new trainers found it very difficult to defeat her.  Because of the gym leader's return, the young trainers were sharing strategies trying to think of some clever way to conquer the wall blocking their next badge.  Despite the warnings of the other trainers, the boy bravely stepped in the gym and confronted the feared leader...

Ending 1: Miltank absolutely slaughtered his team.  Despite trying four more times, he had no chance of winning.  On his final attempt, his Lillipup died of over exhaustion.  His dreams were crushed and he gave up being a trainer.
Ending 2: His Pokemon conveniently evolved mid-battle and he somehow defeated Whitney.  Don't ask me how people do that in the middle of the battle... Beginners luck or probably some other bullcrap...
Ending 3:  Whitney decided to neglect the challenge.  "Screw you, I'm going to the beach!"  So the boy just stood there speechless as the gym leader called up Jasmine and invited her to the beach.  Whitney then got off the phone and skipped away ready to pack her stuff (The boy cried at the his first rejection from a girl).
Ending 4:   Miltank got low on health, and used Milk Drink.  However, it had been overfed, and the milk somehow spilled on the boy.  He instantly started burning and died from chemical burn.  Turns out feeding melon bread to Miltank makes it's milk corrosive to humans.  Who knew?
Ending 5:  They all died because their names were written in a Death Note.
Ending 6:  A bearicorn ate the world.

Personally, I like ending 5 the best.  Imagine Kira in the world of Pokemon... 0.o

Thursday, August 1, 2013


So today was really stressful.  Our cast and crew that are to be sent off to Scotland for the fringe festival just finished possibly our longest rehearsal: around 5 hours.  We had a short break somewhere there to eat a supper, and on the way there somehow me and my mother got into a conversation about university.  I forget how we got into the subject, but at one point I said that there were probably people there that didn't want to be there.  This was apparently surprising to her. She had always thought that it was completely a student's choice.  So I told her that some parents would force their kids to go to college.  Although I don't think it's very common, I'm pretty sure it does happen.  She asked me, "so I can force you to go to university?"  I just replied with a simple "if you wanted to...". It's not like she has to, I was planning to do so anyways.  Then she said something that troubled my mind for the next good hour until rehearsal got into full swing again.  "Well even if I didn't force you, you wouldn't go on your own anyways.  So there". 
...That hurt.  Quite a bit.  I did research on multiple places I would like to go to.  I've entered for multiple scholarships.  If it weren't for the Scotland trip, I'd be working.  I've done my best during summer school.  I've studied for my diploma tomorrow (I feel quite prepared, if you're wondering).  But today, my efforts were all just insulted.  Today I found out that my mother does not expect a lot out of me.  I feel... Really neglected right now. Somewhat crushed.  Like how they tell you to the sky is the limit, when you wanted to be an astronaut. 
I remember a story that my father told me a while back.  He said that in China, the teachers all told you that you suck.  And they hound you on your mistakes and make you feel really bad about yourself.  When asked what your dream was for yourself in the future, if it was something big, they would laugh in your face and say that it would never happen.  And when the students grow up and achieve their dreams, the teacher would simply say they only insulted their dreams to motivate them to work harder.  I can understand tough love, but not to that degree.  That's more like deceit for the student's own good.  And that's only if the student really does work harder.  What if they just simply break down, accepting their teacher's words?  Then the "tough love" turns into dream crushing. 
So is what my mother saying tough love?  I don't think so.  That statement wouldn't motivate me to work harder, because I already was going to do what she wanted me to do.  It just made me feel bad.  Am I going to quit on going to university?  Of course not.  Am I going to stop doing my best?  Nope.  However, whatever I do, I now permanently have this thought in the back of my mind: no matter how much I succeed in the next year or so, my mother is not expecting great things.  Its a bad thing that she doesn't trust me.  But on the other hand its a good opportunity to surprise her.  I must admit that my track record of being an average grade student contributes to her mental standing of my potential.  However, that doesn't mean that as a parent she can completely give up hope on anything good from her child. 
And straying off my point a little, I just had an interesting thought (at least to me).  Remember the saying "Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me"? Well it's (I hope) common knowledge that words really do hurt.  But what I never thought of was that sticks and stones only hurt for a couple days, maybe longer if you broke your bones (or maybe they don't hurt at all if you died from it).  But words do hurt, and not just for a couple days, but sometimes for a long time.  Now if you're insensitive like a couple people I know (you know who you are) then I guess it doesn't matter as much.  But what about those people who are... Less so hard hearted? 
So they say words never hurt?  Bullsh*t.  Words stun people, scar them, change their mentalities and attitudes, and makes them rant on blogs that barely anyone reads.... Oh wait.

Thursday, July 11, 2013

What bugs me a lot...

I hate it when people express some interest into a topic that I'm happy to explain, and then once I'm half done, my audience clearly loses interest.  I mean, I'm not a really long winded person (even though it sometimes feels like I am.) I won't give you an hour lecture on how Mozart influences dubstep.  So when my father asked me what dubstep was, I tried giving him a good explanation.  I couldn't really give a great answer, so I decided to show him once we got home.  The thing about my father is that he's a very busy man whether he is working or not.  I tried showing him a good example of dubstep (Skrillex).  Literally not 3 seconds after the bass drop, he left to do something else.  Like hello?  I remembered that you were interested, but you gave me a slap to the face as an audience just by leaving in the manner you did!  I get it that it's around dinner time and the table needs to be set.  I'd understand if he just said that.  However, he didn't.  He just left, without a word.  He does this consistently.  Not just him, but my mother too.  I wonder if other parents do this to their kids as well.
They say the older generation can not stand the culture the youth are creating because they don't understand it.  I'm just trying to show them the culture I enjoy.  But if the older people don't even try to appreciate it, they never will.  The same goes for the younger generation.  If we as children and teens do not try appreciating older culture then we never will. 
If you're interested in someone else's hobby or interest, don't just leave and give up silently.  At least have the courtesy to say that you've lost the interest in the topic.  At the very least do that.  Otherwise you seem really offensive. 

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

In summer school, we don't learn about the teacher's lessons.

My summer school teacher is the definition of routine.  He seems like a very predictable guy, so much that it makes observing him rather interesting.  Every morning he shows up with a large coffee from either 7-11 or McDonalds.  He also has a parfait, a bottle of water, and a coke zero.  He always buys and drinks another coke in the afternoon.  He always wears a Lacoste golf shirt that is a solid color, along with a pair of shorts and sandals.
Also, he has a tattoo with a date on it that might be his birthday.  It interests me but I don't want to ask him.  It would be a little awkward.  
After realizing how much I learned about him rather than learning what he's teaching, I came to the conclusion that I need to get a life. 

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

A special way of ending the summer (sort of)

So yesterday was Canada Day.  Being a Canadian citizen myself, I am rather proud of my nation for our general reputation... you know, being the people who are seen as kind, not too noisy, and pleasant. Of course, that's not true for everyone in the country.  Regardless, Canada is (currently) the only country that I would want to live in.

Anyways, something special happened last night that made this Canada day stand out a little more than the rest of the ones I've celebrated throughout my life.  Canada day was kind of like my last day of real free time for the rest of the summer.  Today I have summer school starting, and once that is done, I am leaving the country for the rest of the summer performing with my musical theater class from school.  I could have tried to enjoy my last day the most I can by being an anti-social hermit and playing video games all day.  It was a good idea to me at first, and then I realized that if I had done that, it would have been a complete waste of the last day of summer for me.
I recently made friends with a group of classmates in the grade below me.  They are all great, friendly people, all with good personalities and flaws.  They really are the definition of what I admire in friendship.  When I see them all together, I just can't help but smile inside because they have what I wished for: friends that could seem to help you out with everything; those who are not afraid of sharing there most embarrassing secrets, and those who are willing to help in any sticky situation.  Even though we didn't hang out for really long, they are really precious to me.  I kind of want to keep an eye on them, observe what makes these group of friends tick together so well, and find out how they pass their happiness along to other people like me.  That, and I think they're just awesome and I want to be around them.
Just be patient, I'm getting to my point.
One girl from the group of friends invited everyone to meet up and hang out around the local fair/event/whatever you call it that the community had set up.  It turns out that very few of us actually showed up, but I had a lot of fun.  But by far the best part I think was watching the fireworks at night.  I didn't notice it until it was over, but I realized that I have never watched fireworks with anyone other than my family.  The fact that I got to watch fireworks with 3 people I consider important in my life makes me feel all kinda weird (in a good way).  When I first realized this I got a shiver of goosebumps. It was a special thing, watching a brilliant light show up close and sharing it with friends.  I need to do that more.

Anyways, I totally think that that experience was a fantabulous ending for a summer.  I totally am grateful to my friends who invited me to save myself from wasting the days away on video games!!

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Stupid riddle

So I was asked a riddle recently, and I can't figure out the answer.  It has only been about 5 hours, but its killing me not knowing the answer.  I think I'm not going sleep tonight, just because I can't figure it out. 
"It is smoother than silk, softer than rose petals, stronger than a wall, more resilient than a forest, desired more than diamonds, and scarier than the darkest pit."
...I think I'm going to come up with a really obscure riddle just to mess this person up. 

Saturday, June 8, 2013

What is strength?

So a little while ago I was reading through some really old Facebook messages.  In one of them, I was told that I was the strongest person to the person I was talking to.  I thought, "That's interesting. To this person, my strength is valuable.  So what makes up my strength?"  I couldn't completely figure it out (obviously) because I'm not them, and I can't read minds.  But I got a general idea on my strong and weak points of my personality.
I got curious as to what people's opinions on what internal strength is.  So I asked a couple friends.  One of them thought that it was the ability to be consistent or even excel in times of heightened stress.  In that case, I guess I'm pretty strong.  I have a pretty hectic life, and it always somehow works out.  But I don't really think that internal strength is just simply being able to handle millions of things at once.  There must be more to it. 
I asked another friend.  They thought that it was the ability to come out of anything with their head held high.  I gave it some thought, and I think that it's an add on to the previous point.  If you can handle lots of stuff, that doesn't mean that you will come out of it looking victorious.  You could finish a race looking defeated.  So I thought, yeah, its a good answer. But can we go deeper? (Inception BWAAAA)
The same person who gave the previous answer added that you must have passion and purpose to have strength.  I didn't really get it at first, so I though how it applied to me.  Do I have passion?  Yeah, music.  So I have purpose?  Sure, my purpose is to pass on my passion.  So how does having these two items make a person stronger?  I guess the answer is sort of within the question itself.  By having a goal (purpose), and a passion for it, you create yourself a determination to finish things, to accomplish, to create, to dream, and to inspire. 
I asked of yet another opinion.  This person said that strength was discipline.  I completely agree.  I kind of watch in envy of those people who can do stuff immediately, get things done, the ambitious people who achieve great things because of their practiced discipline.  I may have a little, but there are certainly people I look up to for their discipline. 
I got one more opinion.  This person said that strength was the ability to know what is more important, and give up things for others.  I thought this was more of wisdom rather than strength, but after giving it a little thought, I figured that in order to have wisdom, you need to have strength.  On more than one occasion in your life, you will need to sacrifice something.  It takes wisdom to know what to give up, and it takes strength and courage to actually give it up. 
This person also said that strength was being able to do things that scare you.  When I read this, I thought of our band teacher.  He just joined our school two years ago, having no idea how our school uniquely functions.  He just kind of closed his eyes, wished for the best, and jumped in the water.  And he did good!  Right now, our Jr. High band program is one of the best in our province.  If I were him, I would show a little more hesitation.  I mean, that's scary, doing what he did!  He just got a new job, which included taking on 90 kids, learning with a new set of coworkers, the responsibility of being a teacher, and the the job of learning about 90 kids.  How did he come out of this huge change in life with such positive results?  The last person that answered added on to their previous answers.  Strength is having confidence and faith in God.  This completely goes right in hand with Phillipians 4:13. "I can do all things in Christ who strengthens me!"  I have witnessed that if God asks you to jump into choppy waters blindfolded, you don't have to worry too much!  Because there is a protecting force around you that is stronger than death itself. 

Friday, May 31, 2013

My wonderful and irritating brain

I was recently asked what is the hardest part of composing music.  My first response was "finding a title".  Seriously, for me, it takes waaaaay too much effort.  More than it should, at least.  If I spend 4 days working on a song, I usually spend the same amount of time looking for a title.  My brain just lacks creativity with words.  I suck at poetry.  It usually seems too casual, or awkward in some way.  I rarely have been satisfied at my work titles. 
The other really frustrating thing about composing is getting ideas on paper (or some other way of remembering ideas). I have actually thought of hundreds of musical ideas that would create pieces that last at least 3 minutes long.  They all sound so good on my head!  But as soon as I get to the piano to plunk it out, *poof* it's gone.  I can't retrieve it.  Most of my good ideas go down the drain in less than 30 seconds, and I have no idea how. 
Aaauuurrgh so frustrating!!

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Bus ride!

So I'm sitting here on the bus, a little bored.  We just finished watching the Hobbit, which I half watched, and half slept through.  My friend beside me is playing a card game in which I have no interest, and the people on my right are playing matchmaking.  And they look like they are enjoying it waaaaay too much.  I can't lie, I would probably enjoy it too.  And as much as I wanted to say something, it didn't really look like they were interested in including anybody.  I thought a little to myself, "what makes topics like these so interesting?"
It took me a while.  It's matchmaking.  Who wouldn't want to share their opinions on other's compatibilities with another person, and giggle on how good or bad it would be?  I gotta admit, it's actually really fun to mess with or imagine other peoples love lives and discuss it with others.  Its like discussing shipping.  (Google it if you don't know)
Then a different perspective hit me: it's fun to imagine these things.  But what if you actually try to put it in motion?  Is that really okay?  You're manipulating two peoples emotions to satisfy your imagination, it's like playing god (sorta).  So is it really for the better or the worst?  What if its well intended?  What if two people would be really be good for each other, but you as a friend thinks they need a little push?
I happened to be one of those people in a couple that "needed a little push".  So we were given one by a common friend.  But right now, I'm still not really sure whether it was a good idea or not.  We had started the relationship, and the best and worst times of my life occurred.  When it was still going on, I thought it was a really bad thing.  But now, I'm not so sure.  Was my past (and only) relationship a more positive relationship, or a more negative relationship?
So when I heard the people beside me discussing how they can start couples going together (just theories)  I kind of went into a down mode of tuning people out so I could think of an answer. 
I couldn't think of one, so I decides to write this down.  I still don't have an answer.
Why does love have to be such a simple yet complex drama-inducing topic? 

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

My family

So today I was at a youth year end party.  At one point, we started talking about extended family.  I was asked about my family, and I instantly tensed a little.  The closest relatives awe had living to us was just 30 minutes away.  However, we never get together where family normally would, like Christmas, Thanksgiving, or Chinese New Year.  Why?  My parents and my uncle and aunt butt heads.  It kinda started with my little sister.  She was really young, and hadn't really learned manners yet.  One thing was clear: she hated girly things.  Anything pink to her was deadly.  So when my aunt got her pink Dora sandals for her 6th birthday, she made a sour face and refused it.  My aunt, being a little of a penny pincher, didn't like my sister's reaction.  She kind of took it out on my mom.  When they say in-laws don't get along, its definitely true here.  Over the past couple years some nasty emails have flown and I didn't enjoy hearing them one bit.  My grandparents came from Hong Kong  to visit 2 years ago.  Somehow, my parents and my uncle and aunt got in a fight while they where visiting.  My parents didn't like the situation we where in, so my dad did the apologetic gesture of pouring tea for everyone at dinner.  Even after that, we still had tension without even seeing each other.  My parents sent them money as a Christmas gift, knowing that they had low income.  However, our Christmas card from them arrived with the money we just sent them. 
Recently, my uncle invited us to attend his ceremony that promotes him from pastor to reverend.  I have to admit, I didn't have a good time.  I'm happy for him achieving a major milestone in his life, but I didn't like the fact that our two families barely interacted.  All I remembered was a picture, and that's it.  We didn't even sit together.
So why do I hate talking about extended family?  Because the relationships are not good.  It's that awkward relationship in which you aren't flat out hating each other, nor are you on good terms.  It's in the middle, and it hurts me to think about it.  It makes me hate family reunion.
And most our other relatives live in China.  So we don't see our whole extended family a lot.  But why can't we get along with our brothers and sisters that just live a half hour drive away?

Thursday, May 2, 2013

A reflective contest

So my CALM teacher made my class sign up for a website where you can search and earn scholarships from.  I entered a contest on it, so I could get the chance of $250.  The question was: "What was your best/worst summer job experience?" or "What would be the best/worst summer job?"

Here's my answer.  

I've only ever had one summer job, and that was working in a medical clinic.  I sat in a room in the back and did electronic paperwork and scanning.  I must admit, it was the most boring work I have ever done.  Period.  I spent countless hours doing the same thing over and over again. However, the pay was good and everyone apparently loved me by the end of the summer, because I had caught them up on 2 month's worth of work that no one wanted to do.  

I don't think that it was the worst job ever.  Why?  Because I was proud of myself for lifting other people in the area up.  Sure, I was bored to death from it, but I still had become a hero without being seen.  That was what made me appreciate my position.

I think the worst jov ever would be a job where you can't appreciate yourself, or yo hate what your doing with no gain.  It's a little pointless to be there if your attitude is in the wrong place!  Your performance (and pay) depends on your work morale!

I you can, go for the best job: a job that you love.  In my case, it would be working at a music store, or a recording studio.  Whatever your passion is, you should pursue it! 

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Splash damage parenting

So my mother got quite upset at my younger sister today.  Very upset.  I didn't really see anything, but just from listening it sounded verbally violent.  Out of curiosity, I went to see what was up.  I entered the kitchen, and the first thing that I saw out of place was a hat.  It was hanging on a cabinet knob, high up in a place where my sister would have to climb to get it.  I timidly asked, "why is there a hat up there?"  Obviously my mom didn't hear me.  So I asked again, a little louder.  Still wasn't loud enough, but she heard that I was saying something.  So to have me repeat it, she yelled at me: "WHAT?" Her voice was like the loud voice used when disciplining a problem child.  So I decided to kind of stop. 
I can understand of you need to discipline your kid.  But I did nothing wrong!  Please don't take your anger out on me!  I'm just a bystander!  And also, please don't take it out on the door.  After all, you're the one who told me not to slam the door when you're mad...

Friday, April 19, 2013

Random thought for today

In Les Miserables, there are the lyrics "look down" in the song Look Down.  However, they are singing these lyrics with an interval that goes up...
To all you who know about music, they sing a perfect fourth upwards.  A little contradictory?  Maybe. But then again, not all musical theater music must reflect the lyrics. 

Thursday, April 18, 2013

The world is not your trash can!

The other day, a hope mission fundraiser was at my school. They were hosting a banquet along with presentations of some sort. 
I had two thoughts: satisfied, and unimpressed. 
Satisfied that they were outreaching and informing the people of the city what was going on in the community rarely visited by the middle and upper class. 
However, I was unimpressed at the staff that hosted the event.  Most of them smoked.  Nothing wrong with it; its their personal choice.  But what ticked me off is that once they where done, they threw the remains of the cigarette on the pavement.  Right on the walkways of the school. 
The school provided a venue.  So you should treat the property you are borrowing with respect.  I do have pride in my school, and I certainly do not want visitors to have a disgusted first impression from cigarette butts lying around the entrance. 
I guess you can say that the moral of the story is not to litter.  But not only that, but basic respect is lacking in this situation.  If you gotta take a smoke, do it outside, away from people.  And do not, I repeat, do not just throw it somewhere on the ground once you're done with it! 

Friday, April 12, 2013


Despite a group of people complaining that video games are poisoning the young minds of today's young generation, I don't think they realize that they still teach a violent game to kids.  What's it called?  Hangman.  Yup, its apparently socially acceptable to permanently cut a persons circulation off, one body part at a time, one letter at a time. 
Same goes with duck duck goose.  Really, there is nothing wrong with the concept.  But because kids are so violent (due to video games and hangman), they proceed to hit who ever is "goose" as hard as they can.  If they're lucky, the person temporarily named goose will not only have a goose egg on the head but will be knocked out as well.  Then it's an easy walk around the circle.  It sounds ridiculous, but I know this from first hand experience! 

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Actually doing what seniors are supposed to do for once

I'm in high school.  When you go to school, there always is something you don't like, whether it be a subject, people there, or other things.  Some people hate the bus ride. My school goes from kindergarten to grade 12, so there are annoying kids of all ages, but I don't mind.  I somewhat have learned to ignore it.  However, today, there was something I just couldn't ignore.  One of the kids in Jr. High was making a fuss about how the janitor had been looking at him for a time period a little longer than usual.  There's nothing wrong with that, but the thing that ticked me off is that he was mocking the janitor for his mental disability.  Our janitor is a pretty nice guy, and he doesn't have social problems, I don't think. He just has speech difficulties.  But when I heard this arrogant Jr high student mocking the physical appearance of the man, I couldn't sit still.  So I spoke up, and said, "you shouldn't speak ill of people like that.  Its disrespectful". I mean, you wouldn't want to be talked about behind your back, would you?  After that, he kind of sat back in his seat and went quiet.  I have to admit, I didn't think he would listen to me, knowing his reputation.  But when he did, I felt a little sense of power and satisfaction that I had done something a senior should but not a lot do. 
Have you ever read the short story "Flowers for Algernon"?  (I think that how you spell it). If you haven't, I recommend it.  It really made me think, what would it be like to be retarded, and then acquire average intelligence?  If everyone made fun of me without me knowing, I'd be pretty pissed.  So how does our janitor feel?  Well I think he knows he has a speech disability of some sort, and he probably knows that a lot of kids at his workplace make fun of him.  When I realized this, I started to feel bad for him.  Really, I would hate to be in his position.  So I made a mental note to observe how much gossip there is about our staff (besides teachers). 
I wonder if our teachers notice this stuff in the hallways?

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Stuff I Write and You Read

Oh hai thar.

 You have happened to stumble upon a journal of an individual.  That's right, I'm obviously talking about the author, me.  I quite like to entertain, even though I'm not very good at it.  So try to enjoyy future posts, if you read them. This app is horrible for writing messages, so I'll try my best to make it look relatively good looking.

Knowing myself, I probably won't piost too often.  I might only post when bored, in a really good mood, a really bad mood, or pondering on the mysteries of life.
Anyways, good evening, tata for now, ciao, sayonora, jai zian, au revior, you know...